Four entries are permitted per entrant.

The images need to be a maximum of 1920 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high. They must be a JPG file that is less than 2Mb

The chairperson of this competition is Colin Woods, as the competiton is being organised AND hosted by MyPhotoClub.

The submission of entries signifies acceptance of the following conditions:

Eligibility: The exhibition is open to all photographers who are residents of Australia or members of the Australian Photographic Society.  An entry may be rejected when the sponsoring organisation or its agent, in its reasonable discretion, believes the entry does not conform to the exhibition rules and conditions.

The Exhibition Chairpers, persons closely involved in the organisation of the exhibition, persons in charge of the handling of the exhibition software, and judges are not permitted to enter the exhibition.

RecognitionThe exhibition is conducted in accordance with the recommendations and approval of the Australian Photographic Society (APS)  –  Approval number 2019/9.

Subject to the rules of the APS, acceptances in this exhibition are eligible for inclusion in applications for APS honours.

As a condition of APS approval of the exhibition, all entrants must signify agreement to the following statement before being able to enter images;

By submitting images to this exhibition, I agree to accept without exception or objection the following terms:

  1. To ensure that images comply with the Conditions of Entry, including all relevant definitions, the exhibition organisers may ask me to provide originally captured images, with EXIF data intact, by a specified deadline.
  2. If I do not supply the requested image(s )in the specified time those images will be deemed to be in breach of the Conditions of Entry.
  3. Images that are submitted as requested may be investigated by any means determined appropriate by the exhibition organisers to establish if the image(s) comply with the conditions of entry.
  4. Images that are deemed by the exhibition organisers to breach the Conditions of Entry will be removed from the exhibition. Any acceptances or awards allocated to those images will become void.
  5. The exhibition organisers will provide APS with details of all breaches of the Conditions of Entry. APS retains the right to impose sanctions on entrants deemed to have repeatedly breached the Conditions of Entry of any APS Approved exhibition.

Image creation, authenticity and reproductionEntries must originate as photographs (image captures of objects via light sensitivity) made by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally.

All final work must be on electronic file.

By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his/her own (aliases are not permitted).

The entrant permits the exhibition organisers to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition. This may include low resolution posting on a website. Note: Entrants who indicate that their images may not be reproduced or used may not be eligible for awards or inclusion in audiovisuals of the exhibition and could be subject to disqualification by the exhibition organisers.

By submitting an entry you confirm that you are the creator and owner of the work, that you have the permission of the subject or where appropriate the subject’s parent or guardian, that the work does not infringe copyright, the image was not taken in circumstances of trespass or invading anyone’s legal right of privacy, breach of industrial law or applicable industry code and does not to the best of your knowledge defame anyone nor was your conduct in taking the image likely to be misleading or deceptive.

Copyright: The copyright of each image entered always remains with the author of the image. The exhibition assumes no liability for any misuse of copyright.

Note: The exhibition committee reserves the right to check all accepted images for copyright violation.

Image alteration and computer generationExcept for the restrictions on Nature images and Photo Travel described in the relevant definitions, images may be altered, either digitally or otherwise, by the entrant. Artwork or computer graphics created by the entrant may be incorporated, provided that the photographic content predominates in a way that is obvious to the viewer. Images may not be constructed entirely with a computer and all photographic components must have been photographed by the entrant who holds copyright of the complete works submitted.

Image titlesEach image must have a unique title. Images without a title will not be judged.

Titles may not include file extensions such as .jpg or .jpeg. (or any other camera capture filenames). Words such as “untitled” or “no title” are not acceptable as part or all of an image’s title, nor are camera capture filenames or titles consisting of only numbers.

Titles must use the English alphabet and can contain no more than 30 characters (including spaces). Image titles may be in a foreign language, but the English alphabet must be used.

The titles should be exactly as you want them to appear in the catalogue.

No title or identification of the maker shall be visible anywhere on the actual image.

Titles will not be announced at judging.

Email List 

By virtue of submitting an entry, the Entrant accepts that his/her email address will be used for communicating information about this exhibition and future exhibitions. The Entrant may opt out of this email list by using the unsubscribe option at the bottom of each message sent. 

Warning: opting out of this email list before the exhibition catalogs are posted may result in the entrant not receiving important information about the exhibition.

The exhibition organisers will not pass email addresses on to any third party.